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[Essays] A tale of two domains: "breathing movement" and "gas-exchange/lung science"
- A personal history and the significance of breathing in the respiratory medicine
No 12-3: Paired-signaling physiology, a novel frontier of human physiology: Basic medical science and clinical apprication: (3) The body-trunk engine system (basal ganglia and central pattern generators of the spine) controls the locomotion movement of the epaxial and hypaxial muscles: The relation of the oriental bodywork to the trunk system is suggested by the 21st century brain science.
3) The significance of oriental bodywork and breathing method is to access the "deep body", i.e. the body-trunk MMC nerve column
呼吸臨床 2021年5巻7号 論文No.e00127
Jpn Open J Respir Med 2021 Vo5. No.7 Article No.e00127
DOI: 10.24557/kokyurinsho.5.e00127
©️Toshihiro Nukiwa. 本論文の複製権,翻訳権,上映権,譲渡権,貸与権,公衆送信権(送信可能化権を含む)は弊社に帰属し,それらの利用ならびに許諾等の管理は弊社が行います。